Round Valley Indian Tribes

Cobell Land Buy-Back Program

Downloads for the Round Valley Indian Tribes Cobell Land Buy-Back Program
File Size Type
Post-offer Downloads
Purchase Offer Outreach Presentation 6 MB pptx
Whereabouts Unknown List 26 KB docx
Post-Offer Workshops Flyer 489 KB docx
Pre-Offer Downloads
Buy-Back Program Presentation 11.4 MB pptx
IIM Accounts Presentation 647 KB pptx
Leases on Trust or Restricted Land 13 KB docx
CILS Services 14 KB docx
BIA Realty Alternatives to the Land Buy Back Program 83 KB docx
The Purchase Offer Process This link is to an external website and provides additional information regarding the purchase offer process.
For a pptx file you'll need a program such as Microsoft Office PowerPoint to view it.
For a docx file you'll need a program such as Microsoft Office Word to view it.